Finding Your Customer Avatar: Class 2 of Digital Deepak Internship

Komal Merwani
7 min readMay 30, 2020


The second session of the Digital Deepak Internship Program was about finding your Customer Avatar. If you do not know what sessions I am talking about, give this blog post a read and for more information, search for Digital Deepak Internship Program.

Well, moving forward to the learnings from the second session, below I have summed up the information.


Marketing and Communication go hand in hand, if you cannot develop a connection with the customers, people won’t be interested in buying from you. Hence, a marketer needs to make people believe in a brand, product, or service, which is what we call to earn trust. And at a generalized level, we use the word Mass Trust. So, how can we build Mass Trust?

· Through 1:1 communication — Rather than approaching people through a brand name or as a company, one can have 1:1 conversation; it will have an individualistic impact on the customer.

· Authenticity — Authenticity is what the Internet lacks. One can easily fall into the trap of this virtual world. Fake information, Fake promises, and all the fake stuff are already there on the internet. So in accordance to stand out and build respect and mass trust for your product/ service, deliver results that you promise to your customers and showcase your authentic self.

· Language — Using complex words might showcase your strong vocabulary base, but if your message is not understandable by the customers, it would make no sense. Use as simple language possible.

· Join Mental Conversation — It focuses on how well a marketer knows about the customer so that it can deliver what the customer wants. Here kicks in the concept of Customer Avatar. A marketer first needs to segregate its potential customers from others because If everyone is your audience, no one is your audience.”

· Emailing over Social Media — Emailing is more powerful than informing in a group like a setup or through social media, the message or call to action becomes more appealing when personally communicated.

· Powerful Copywriting — The headlines play an important role here, it should be written well enough to attract the audiences.The sales copy or blog post intended to attract customers must be attractive.

Customer Avatar-

The term Customer Avatar means finding the right and best suitable customer for a product and service. For instance, if I have a range of baby products to offer, so I won’t target a 60-year-old man rather I would target a new mother or woman of certain age groups, who can buy those baby products. Similarly, the popularity of content or product depends on who have you targeted? Does it fit with the needs of the consumer?

Finding my Customer Avatar-

I did a content survey, in accordance to know what kind of content people consumed the most. It was a survey to help me out with the selection of the niche for the blog I am going to create.

I asked 15 questions through the survey, whose link is given below.

The First Three Questions

The first three questions asked for the email address, name, and geographical location, these were to build a personal connection with the person filling the form and helped me understand the connection between geographical location and content. But as it was an experimental survey, I was capable of reaching only to my fellow mates and a few other groups. And they all belonged majorly to Pune, some other cities of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.

What is your age?

It helped me understand what kind of content is preferred by certain age groups, likewise, the pie chart of the responses I got, shows the average age between 17–22 as it constitutes of 78.9% of the total responses.

What is your Qualification?

This question helped me to understand the educational qualification my Avatar would poses and who would be my targeted audience. As the pie chart shows, it would be the undergraduates and my second target audience would be post-graduates which constitutes around 13%. This tells me that my content should match the standards of these people.

What language do you prefer?

The mode of my communication should be understandable by the targeted audience; hence I preferably asked the question. I received approximately 90% response in favor of the English language. Hence if I want to be successful at my task, I should communicate in English.

What is your educational field?

Out of 38 responses, the following are the numbers I received from the survey-

-68.4% (26 people) — belonged to Mass Communication and Journalism.

-13.2% (5 people) — belonged to Engineering and Related Technologies

-7.9% (3 people) — belonged to Management and Commerce

This indicates the order in which I should make my content preferences and as I too belong to the Mass Communication and Journalism field, I could relate to these people more effectively and build community and connections with them.

What are your hobbies? Mention at least two of them.

I asked this question to understand the interests and inclinations of my audience. Henceforth I can talk about photography, traveling, writing, and much more stuff in my blogs.

What is your occupational status?

To understand my audience more vividly, I asked about their occupational status. The way we talk to a professional and a student would differ. It is also dependent on their psychological level, hence to create impactful content, it’s important to know whom you should target. So, the responses I generated were dominant by students.

What interests you more on Internet?

Apart from the hobby, which is what my audience likes to do, I dug deeper into what they are interested in doing, learning, or watching on the Internet. This reflects their aspirations and inclinations. So maybe in the future, I can relate my content with their interests if possible. So the responses show my audience is interested in video presentations, educating, and inspirational content.

What is the most recent content you watched/ surfed about?

This question gave me a deeper understanding of the preferences of my audience. The response was dominated by informational content. Hence my audience is inclined more towards informational content followed by creative, films, and academic content.

What employable skills would you like to learn through online courses?

The responses were dominant in the following manner, — content writing, communication skills, digital marketing, creative, and performing arts. Hence I can select my niche based on these results and it would eventually help me in generating revenue later.

Do you follow any online learning platform?

The response shows around 63% of people use learning platforms, hence my blog can have an image as a learning platform. I can choose a niche in academics and/or information beats.

Have you joined an online course?

This question tells me how likely my audience can opt for an online course offered to them. Well, the responses were equally distributed i.e., 50–50.

Would you invest your money in online courses?

Based on the pie chart, I can conclude that if I offer something of value to my audience, they can buy my online course. While around 21.1 % of people are interested in investing and 63.2% of people may invest it.

My Customer Avatar -

Based on the responses and by analyzing the responses I generated, I have found my Final Customer Avatar. So for reference, let's name the Avatar, Chandler Bing, whose description is given below.

Henceforth, the objective of my survey concludes that I have to select my niche in informational or educational beat. Where my focus would-be majorly undergraduates or anyone aspiring to learn.

Conclusion -

Customer Avatar is possibly best way to understand the audiences. The above survey was an example of finding a Custom Avatar, I got the clue about my niche selection but it needs more research and feedback from more varied people to make it more impactful.

